CAT II - Basic Machinery Vibration (BMV) 

BMV prepares attendees to perform basic vibration analysis on industrial machinery using single-channel measurements, with or without trigger signals, according to established and recognized procedures. It covers basics of sensors, database and data collector setup, data collection, signal processing, fault analysis, and basics of single plane balancing. It is partial preparation for the Vibration Analyst Category II Certification Exam. The workshops and demonstrations scheduled throughout the training course are used to illustrate theory and applications. All registered attendees in the Basic Machinery Vibrations training course will receive:

  • Course Training Manual
  • Printed Copy of Course PowerPoints
  • Workbook with examples, vibration related questions requiring a solution and 18436-2 Annex A from the Body of Knowledge
  • Calculator
  • Ruler
  • Electronic Certificate of Course Completion

The BMV training course is a five day course.  It will run Monday through Thursday 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. with the final day, Friday running 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Subject to change.

BMV Course Content Includes An introduction and background to Basic Vibration; Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurements, Conversion of Measurements, Analysis Techniques, Balancing, Machine Condition and Evaluation.

There is a workshop supporting each chapter. The student will test their knowledge and understanding of the material presented for that chapter by completing the workshops during the time allowed in class. The instructor will then review the workshop with the class. The student’s time and understanding of the work shop materials will aid them in their preparation for the certification exam.

Training and Workshops Include:

  1. Basic Machinery Vibrations; units, properties, measurements, motions, time, excitation, critical speeds, frequency and amplitude.
  2. Data Acquisition; selecting a measure, transducers, frequency spans, data displays, and calibration.
  3. Data Processing; instruments, sampling, aliasing, windows, dynamic range, averaging, analyzer set-up, and filters.
  4. Fault Diagnostics; techniques, operating speed, rolling element bearings, gearboxes, motors, pumps, fans and compressors.
  5. Condition Evaluation; shaft vibration, bearing vibration, casing vibration, historical data base, charts and graphs.
  6. Machine Testing; equipment, site inspection, acceptance testing, baseline development, transient testing, presentation of data and reports.
  7. Periodic Monitoring; listing assets, categorizing priorities, route selections, measurement points, frequency of data collection, reporting of results.
  8. Single Plane Balancing; type of unbalance, balancing equipment, pre-balancing checks, measurements, trial weights, vector method and balancing solution.

It is recommended that attendees review the Body of Knowledge found in ISO 18436-2 Annex A, prior to the course.

Instructor: Tom Walter

Course Agenda: 

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Friday: 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Optional CAT II Exam Saturday, 8:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.

Registration Fee: 

$2,440.00 USD Non Member

$2,340.00 Member

To join as a member, and receive a discount, and a year of benefits, click HERE

Cancellation Fees The cancellation of and transfer to a training course and certification exam will be honored, provided that written notification is received by the Institute office via e-mail or mail no later than ten (10) business days before the first day of the scheduled course.

Our cancellation fees are as follows:

Transfer to another training course (and certification exam, if applicable): $0

Cancellation without transfer to another course (and certification exam, if applicable) 10 or more days before first date of course: 10% of course (and exam, if applicable) cost.

Cancellation less than 10 days of first date of course (and certification exam, if applicable): $500 20% of course (and exam, if applicable) cost.

Absentees for the course will not receive a refund.  This cancellation policy supersedes all prior published information.  We appreciate that this is an important investment for you and your company and would like to accommodate your needs the best we can. If you have a concern, please call our office at 1-630-654-2254

If you would like materials shipped to you in advance of your course, there will be a non-refundable expedited materials fee of $100 and 50% deductible on the course registration fee if canceling the course after receiving the materials.


Stress Engineering 

Building 2 - Conference Center

13610 Westland East Blvd

Houston, Texas 77041-1101

Click HERE for a list of local hotels.

Click HERE for directions

A Vibration Analyst Category II Certification Exam will need to be scheduled outside of this training agenda. Typically, the Vibration Analyst Category II Certification Exam is scheduled for 3 hours on Saturday morning. (Course and Exam schedule are always subject to change based on scheduling or unforeseen circumstances) Please be sure you have completed the Exam Application in advance of your exam. You may find the exam application at:

Training Examination Review Optional Certification Exam to be administered on the day AFTER the course.

Vibration Analyst Category II Exam: $400

Photography and Video Policy: 

By participating in the Vibration Institute events, we (VI) reserve the right to use any photograph/video taken for any of our in-person events or marketing platforms. This is not limited to but includes: promotional materials, website, social media, etc. 

Basic Machinery Vibration - CAT II Prep for ISO 18436 - Houston, TX

Register Now

  • Monday Feb 17 2025, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Tuesday Feb 18 2025, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday Feb 19 2025, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Thursday Feb 20 2025, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Friday Feb 21 2025, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • 13610 Westland East Blvd
    Building 2
    Houston, Texas
    United States